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Starting Place for United Nations Research




NATO Wants a War With Russia
United Nations Colonialism: bribing local governors to implement global policies
Nelson Mandela Day - and I Missed It!
The Time Has Come
John Holdren is the "Science Czar" for Obama. He favors forced sterilization and mandatory abortions, world-wide. In other words, enforced population controls.
U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet
UN says there's a limit to Free Speech
Goodbye UNESCO a Model for Goodbye UN
U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms
Sustainable Development Puts American Lifestyles in UN's Crosshairs
The War Machine on the East River
Obama's War in Libya is Illegal and Unconstitutional: U.S. Troops Drafted into United Nations Army
Your Hometown & the United Nations’ Agenda 21
Report from Cacun United National Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties 16 by Cathy Adams
IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth”
American Soldier Court-Martialed for wanting to serve his own country!!!
Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council
Texas Sovereignty Protection Act
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
Obama to seal US-UN relationship
UN wants new global currency to replace dollar
U.S. signs U.N. gay rights document
U.S. to Join U.N. Human Rights Council
Obama's Global Poverty Act
Global Taxes Now on the Agenda
Why the UN is Worthless to Human Existence
North American Army created – without OK by Congress
PDD 25 - a coup d' etat in American government
Supreme Court turns down Michael New
U.N. Panel Takes U.S. to Task Over Katrina
Bolton: U.S. Will Fix UN or Find an Alternative
Ex-Security Chief Blows Whistle on UN's Kosovo Mission
President Speaks to the UN General Assembly
UN panel opposes all forms of human cloning
The U.N.’s Heart of Darkness: Why Congress Must Investigate the Congo Scandal
"Sustainable Development" is the Evil You Face
U.S. Drops Plan to Exempt G.I.'s From U.N. Court
Bush Plans Aid to Build Foreign Peace Forces
Why Lost? Why Now?
Utah Lawmakers Want Out of United Nations
US agrees to international control of its troops in Iraq
U.N. influence in Alabama
French Globalists Want to Tax U.S.



"Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali ... urged the [UN] to consider imposing its own taxes to become less dependent on the United States...."

-Washington Times, January 16, 1996

Are you concerned that...
...numerous taxation schemes to finance the UN are being considered?

Are you concerned that...
...a State Department study specifically proposed giving the UN taxing power and, ultimately, control of the world?

Are you concerned that...
...no matter how much our nation gives, the UN will never be satisfied?

Are you concerned that...
...taxing authority would fuel an unaccountable UN Superstate?

Are you concerned that...
...the United Nations is developing its own One World Army, in order to enforce the will of the UN?

If you are concerned and want to join the effort against United Nations intrusions, then consider forming a UN-free Zone Committee in your area.

I am interested tell me more.

You're all nuts get me out of here.

U.S. Senate recognizes the United Nations Organization as a sovereign nation

Thank You For I Will Remember Thee (Rwanda)
Nothing shows the corrupt depravity of Kofi Annan and UN "peace keeping" than HIS withdrawal of the UN peace keeping force (over the outraged protest of the Canadian officer in charge) when the Hutus massed with automatic weapons to commence the massacre -- the Tutsis imploring them to remain to protect them from annihilation

Similarly, the UN calculated inertness at all stages of the Cambodian "Killing Fields" -- the evil of that underscored when the UN gave a standing ovation of the Kmer Rouge official who appeared before the General Assembly to announce that they had "cleansed the cities."

Winston A. Mitchell, M.D

UN in the News

U.N. Agency Calls for Teaching Children 5-to-8 Years of Age about Masturbation
U.N. Shuts Out Christian NGO After China Objects
U.N. rules Canada should ban spanking
U.N. resolution to globalize 'gay' rights
Congo observers slaughtered after 6 days of unanswered pleas to U.N. for rescue
The U.N.'s Theater of the Absurd
U.N. Poisons U.S. Education with our Tax Dollars
League of Free Nations
German troops to guard U.S. military facilities
U.N. Violates U.S. Law; Pushes Global Tax Schemes
United Nations oil-for-food program
No U.N. in Iraq's future
Students at USI protest UN Flag
Will the UN kick the US out?
World Court Rules US Must Stay Execution of Three Mexicans on Death Row
Let the UN Die
The United Nations’ Big Green Machine
UN expresses concerns about execution in US
United Nations accuses Canada of racism
UN Reports Racsim on the Rise

More UN Headlines

Articles of Interest

Why vote for a UN-free Zone?
Can globalism amend our Constitution?
U.N. land grab in the works
U.N. Influence in U.S. Schools
The moral authority of the U.N.
International Treaties & the Constitution
The Right Way To End the ICC Impasse
March Madness in Monterrey
The Plan to Have the UN Rule
The UN, the EU, and America
The case of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana
Senate Must Not Ratify CEDAW
Georgia State Assembly Censures the UN
La Verkin to Vote on "UN-free Zones" measure
Out of Africa


26 February 2025

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Citizen Soldier Protection
Eye on the UN
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America's Survival
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United Nations
US Disarmament Agency
Operation Able Sentry
US Europian Command
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Global Policy Forum
Camp America
Property Rights Research
Freedom 21 Santa Cruz
International Society of Dysfunctional Veterans
World Legal Info Institute
ICLEI - Local Gov for Sustainability
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UN Corruption
The Oil-for-Food Scandal
U.N. sex scandal

Recommended Reading
The Michael New Story
Global Governance
The End of the Nation-State

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